Privacy Policy:
Transforming Churches Communities (TCC) Ltd respects the privacy of its users and is committed to keeping your data safe. The statements below apply on the whole of Transforming Churches Communities (TCC) Ltd property and communications: e.g. website, bulletins, projects and newsletters.
We will only use your information where we have a legal basis to do so and will always respect your rights.
Where we use your information, it may be because you have consented to us doing so or because we consider we have a legitimate interest to do so. Where we do rely on a legitimate interest to use your information, we will always ensure that this is done in a way that respects your rights. Other reasons may include using information because we have a legal obligation to do so or because we have to fulfil contractual obligations.
Some examples can be found below.
• You have given us your consent to use the information for a specified purpose, such as sending you bulletin or newsletter emails.
• We need to use your information to fulfil a contract with you.
• We are using your information in pursuit of a legitimate interest, for example:
1. To pursue our charitable purpose to deliver our strategic objectives
2. To ensure we meet our regulatory requirements as a charity
3. To manage our ongoing relationship with our close partners and anyone we work with
4. To manage our financial transactions and prevent fraud
We may use your personal data to:
• keep you up-to-date on news and stories about our work e.g. bulletins & newsletters
• provide information or packs, for example church / circuit review / evaluation packs as part of the service you’ve requested or agreed to
• provide you with information and support for any events you sign up to. If you have completed a form to register or enquire about an event or activity we will consider this as a request to send you details about the event or activity. Where you provide contact details, we will provide information and support by post, phone, mobile messaging, email, via social media, and any other channels for which you have provided your details. When you have asked for details of an event, we will send you information including, where relevant, reminders on key information about the activity.
Where appropriate, we will use the information you provide to identify any help we can offer, specific to the activity you have signed up for and to provide necessary information to event organisers. Where this includes sensitive information, we will only use this information if you have consented to us doing so. • keep records of your relationship with us, for example to respond to or fulfil any requests or questions you’ve asked, complaints you’ve made or feedback you’ve provided
• process donations you give us including Gift Aid and maintain a record of your past financial contributions
• To manage our recruitment. When applying for a role with TCC the personal data you provide as part of the recruitment process will only be held and processed for the purpose of the selection processes of TCC and in connection with any subsequent employment unless otherwise indicated. By submitting your personal information, you are consenting to TCC holding and using it. You will be asked to provide certain information including your name, contact details, employment history and qualifications. This information is mandatory in order for TCC to consider your application, communicate with you about your application and where successful, follow up with references or meet our statutory and internal monitoring and reporting responsibilities. Unsuccessful applicant data may be held confidentially within the recruitment system for a period of two years before it is deleted in order that we can respond to any statutory reporting requests.
The data collected is stored in our password-protected database, for example; email, name, address, phone, etc. This data is only collected for the personalised use of our services and we keep your personal information only for as long as we need it for each activity. What we have to do by law, accounting and tax are all a factor. We also have a separate data retention policy to guide us.
If you tell us you’re happy for us to send you marketing materials, we’ll keep contacting you for up to two years, unless you tell us not to.
If you have questions on any of this, or want to see the data retention policy, just get in touch:
We use cloud-based systems to process and store data – that means data may be processed outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). We only let this happen when we believe your data will be kept safe. We do everything we can to make sure your data is looked after as described in this policy.
By giving us your personal data you’re agreeing to us using the cloud-based systems to process it.
We do all we can to protect your personal data, and this includes having the right technology.
The only people who can access personal data are those TCC staff members who can’t do their jobs without it. These people are all trained in data protection.
But please remember, despite all of this, the internet is never 100 per cent secure. When you submit data there is always a risk.
TCC does not practice or tolerate spam in any shape or form. We do not communicate your email address or contact information to any third-party organisations for resale.
No data collected will be sold to outside agencies but we will share some details and statistics with our close partners and funders. E.g. Methodist Circuits and Districts.
We may need to pass on information if required by law or if a regulatory body, like HMRC, or the police ask us to.
It’s really helpful if you keep your details with us up-to-date. Just get in touch and let us know if things change, using the contact details (below).
We will not automatically update changes of address – we will normally only update your address when you tell us it’s changed.
We won’t use other sources to gather information you haven’t given us, for example if you’ve not provided a telephone number.
At any time you can:
• ask us to delete your personal data
• Opt out / Unsubscribe from any bulletins / mailing list
• limit how we keep and use your personal data
• ask us to correct or complete inaccurate or incomplete information.
• disagree with our reasons for keeping and using your personal data, e.g. where we have said we have a legitimate reason for processing it
• ask us to give you an electronic copy of the information we have about you so you can send it to another organisation (data portability)
• ask to see what information we have about you. We’ll respond within 30 days.
If you do want to do any of the above, just get in touch and let us know.
If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact:
The Administration Officer
Wesley Enterprise Centre, Hulme, Manchester M15 5BP
Email address:
You can also make a complaint about the use of your personal data with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the UK data protection regulator. You can do this by calling the ICO helpline or through the ICO website. For details, visit
We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance.
This version was last updated on 8th November 2018. We have the right to update and amend the provisions of this policy to ensure continual compliance with data protection legislation. We will provide updated versions of the policy through our website.
It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with TCC.
Copyright © 2024 Transforming Churches and Communities (TCC) - All Rights Reserved.
Unit 16, Wesley Centre,
Royce Road,
M15 5BP
TCC is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
Registered Charity no.: 1150394