What we can do for you
TCC have developed a range of services that we offer to Churches, Circuits, Districts and projects. We will always tailor our services to your needs but we have 3 main areas of work, and these are set out below.
Please refer to the Case Studies page for detailed examples of how we have helped in particular Churches and Circuits around the country and to see if we might help you do something similar.
Our Consultancy Service
Our work to inspire and support Churches and Circuits is well developed and is carried out over many months, not days. This enables long term development and support through repeated contact and feedback.
Governance work: We can help review your governance and structures, help build a new organisation or provide detailed support and advice for Managing Trustees.
Church Review: We have a highly developed and respected process that helps Churches and Circuits look at where they are and what they need to do next, including comprehensive research, Mission work and action planning.
Circuit Review: Helping Circuits to review their Mission, property needs, scope for bringing churches together and working more collaboratively.
Options Appraisals: This is a report which sets all the options for your building, helping Trustees to make informed choices about the best way forward. At a time where many Circuits are looking after surplus buildings and assets, this can help make the choices and the benefits clearer.
Other services: We also facilitate Church and Circuit Away Days, governance training and other events required by Churches and Circuits.
Our Project Management Service
We often find that Churches have a brilliant vision, but just need some support and know-how to get a project off the ground. We provide a comprehensive project management service, including:
Business Planning: Researching your area, looking at the Mission and ‘Business Case’ for the project, analysing risk, all leading to a well-structured plan that can be used to make your case to Trustees, funders, local authorities and others.
Funding Support: From producing a Funding Strategy and searching for the right funders, all the way through to making the applications for you, we’ve got the experience and specialist knowledge to help you get the resources you need.
Building Projects: Support for your building project or redevelopment from project designs and consulting with your users, all the way through to working with the right architect and getting your contractor on site and completing the project on time.
Our Service Delivery work
In an era where it is becoming a real challenge to find committed and able Treasurers, Property Stewards and other active Trustees within Circuits and Districts, TCC has been asked to develop a package of services in a number of areas.
Treasury Function: We provide a Treasury function for a number of Circuits and Districts, which usually involves the day to day work, leaving senior Trustees to oversee the Finance from a high level and maintain responsibility.
Property Support: Many churches struggle with property and a Circuit wide approach has proven very effective in the The High Peak and Stretford and Urmston Circuits. TCC are there to co-ordinate the work, supply contractors, deal with the consents system, help Churches support each other; and get the resources they need to keep their buildings well maintained.
HR and Employment: We have provided employment support, recruitment and other lay employment services to Church, Circuits and Districts. In particular, joint employment has been effective in allowing Churches and Circuits to know their lay worker is being supported and managed in a professional way.
District Partnership Fund: TCC were commissioned to deliver an Information, Advice and Guidance service in the Manchester and Stockport District, helping churches with smaller issues and funded collectively by a levy on the participants’ reserves. It is an innovative way for Churches to get the support they need and provided an element of redistribution from the better off Churches to those with fewer resources.
We are able to put together a service tailored to your needs. Just contact us for a no obligation discussion.
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Unit 16, Wesley Centre,
Royce Road,
M15 5BP
TCC is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
Registered Charity no.: 1150394